Bellingham, Washington
1001 Hilton Avenue
Bellingham, WA 98225
Ph: 360.734.7990
Fx: 360.734.5732
Astoria, Oregon
9 Portway Street
Astoria, OR 97103
Ph: 503.325.6164
Fx: 503.325.0403
Sales Inquiries
Kevin Larsen, V.P. Sales
Darren Freels, Domestic Sales Manager
Todd Flukinger, Domestic Sales, Fresh Riley Seeger, Domestic & Export Sales, Frozen
Jake Megard, Domestic Sales, Fresh
Astoria, Oregon
Astoria houses Bornstein’s primary processing operation. It is located on the Columbia River and is the first Groundfish Processing Plant built on the West Coast in over 20 years. In Astoria we operate a diversified production facility capable of handling all forms of Groundfish, Salmon, Albacore Tuna, Whiting, Sturgeon, Dungeness Crab, and Cold-Water Shrimp.
Bellingham, Washington
Bornstein Seafoods is headquartered in Bellingham, Washington, just 1.5 hours north of Seattle and a few minutes south of British Columbia. In Bellingham we operate a diversified high capacity fresh and frozen processing facility for Groundfish, Halibut, Salmon, Dungeness Crab, and Albacore Tuna. Bellingham is also home to the majority of our custom processing, value-added production programs, and a custom smokehouse dedicated to the traditions of the artisanal Northwest style of high quality smoked seafood products.
Newport, Oregon
From our Newport Processing Plant we source troll-caught Salmon, Albacore Tuna, Dungeness Crab, Groundfish and Cold-Water Shrimp.
Brookings, Oregon
Brookings is the most southerly port in Oregon and home to Bornstein Seafoods unloading station. This location specializes in Crab, Groundfish, Shrimp, Salmon, and Albacore Tuna.
Warrenton, Oregon
Our Warrenton warehouse and docks serve as a secondary offload station for our fleet just across the bay from our Astoria Processing Plant. A large portion of our Dungeness Crab Fleet ties up at these docks to take advantage of easy offloading after a hard day at sea.